The Blanket Method for Bentonite Pond Seal

blanket method

blanket method

The Blanket Method for Bentonite Pond Sealant

The Blanket Method of applying bentonite pond sealant typically produces the most success and remains the most popular. However, more care is required during it’s application and is labor intensive. The grade of bentonite, Pond Sealer, is best suited for this method and weighs 2000 pounds per cubic yard.  One-tenth of an inch of bentonite weighs six-tenths of a pound per square foot. Pond Sealer (MSDS), a mixture of powder and granular sodium bentonite, is best suited for this method unless working in an extremely windy area, in which case, we would recommend Granular Seal.

The first step is to prepare the surface to be sealed. Remove all rocks, trash and vegetation, including trees and roots. Roots left in the ground will decay over time, leaving the potential for future leakage problems. Remove the top 4 to 6 inches of the soil from the pond bottom. Next, you should fill any deep holes or crevices with a uniform mixture of one part bentonite to five parts soil. Then smooth the area by roller or drag.

Cover the area with the prescribed amount of sodium bentonite.  It is very important that the bentonite layer is even and that there are no bare or thin spots. This will ensure complete coverage and a water tight seal. After the bentonite has been spread as evenly as possible, carefully replace the 4 to 6 inches of soil that was removed earlier. While spreading the soil, be certain not to disturb the bentonite layer, as this could leave bare spots which could allow the water loss to continue. If livestock will have access to the pond, the cover coat must be more than 4 inches, perhaps 8 to 10 inches.

Finally, compact the pond bottom by rolling or tamping. The pond is now ready to be filled with water. Use care when filling the pond. A gentle water flow is recommended to prevent erosion of the soil and bentonite layers during this final phase. It may take several days for the bentonite to reach the point of full saturation and fill the voids in the underlying soil.

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